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Easter Flowers

Image of Easter Flowers Lillies
Easter Flowers Willow

On the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after March 21 churches are filled with Easter flowers and there are special hymns and songs. Easter marks the end of winter season and the beginning of spring and floral bouquets make an ideal gift.

In Christianity, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Legend tells us that Lilies sprung in the place where his drops of blood fell. It is no coincidence that Lilies are the traditional Easter flowers in the USA. In the United Kingdom, the tradition is for Pussy Willow while in Germany it's red flowers and Narcissuses in Southern France and Northern Italy. Other religious festivities at this time relate to the Hebrew Passover and Anglo-Saxon Pagan influences.

Remember, the emphasis is also on what the flowers are displayed in. This season it should be pottery, bakeware and porcelain. A carefully chosen receptacle could make or break your display.

Easter time is a special time of year in the United Kingdom, the first flowers break signaling the end of the winter season and the beginning of Spring. Springs flowers should be mixed with the more exotic and ethnic varieties such as Orchids and Amaryllis. Choose flowers with contrasting colours and use lace and spices as accessories. Colours should include neutrals and bold, bright and dark colours.

Easter time is a good time for giving. Follow the link to see a selection of Easter Flowers.